​Having an excellent dental insurance policy can really take a load off your mind when the time comes to pay for your dental care. Our team at Castle Lake Dental has had plenty of experience working with dental insurance companies, and we will always take whatever steps are necessary to help you save as much money as possible.
Understanding How Dental Insurance Works
Like with regular medical insurance, after you have paid your deductible, dental insurance will help pay for your care until you meet the annual maximum. The level of coverage depends on the type of treatment you received. Generally speaking, dental insurance is designed to encourage you to prevent oral health issues before they start, so regular checkups and cleanings normally receive better coverage than more complex treatments.

What Your Dental Insurance Plan Covers
Many dental plans follow a 100-80-50 structure. Each number refers to a percentage of the cost covered for specific categories of treatments. Your biannual cleanings and other preventive services are often 100 percent paid for by insurance. Fillings and other restorations usually get 80 percent coverage, and major services like dental crowns typically get 50 percent coverage. Cosmetic treatment usually will not be covered at all. These benefits may vary, so do not be afraid to call us with any questions you have about the specifics of your plan.
We Offer In-Network Savings & Welcome Out-of-Network Providers
We can accept both in-network and out-of-network providers. The difference is that with in-network providers, we have agreed to offer services at specific prices so that you can enjoy the maximum amount of savings. That said, you can still save a substantial amount of money with an out-of-network plan. Call our dental office for a list of insurance companies that we are currently in-network with. No matter what kind of plan you have, we will handle the paperwork and claim-filing process for you.